If you would like to participate in The Swim, fill out the form below with your team name and the names and email addresses of up to 4 team members. If you would like to participate as an individual in The Cannonball Challenge or Floating Catwalk Challenge just write Cannonball or Catwalk in the Team Name field and your own name and contact info in the Team Captain Fields.
Sign Up by Phone
If you would prefer to sign up over the phone please call Kayla Shannick at 705-743-4444 during regular business hours. Kayla can also be reached via email at kayla.shannick@c21.ca.
Start Fundraising!
Once the contact form is received and processed you and your teammates will get a link to your team’s Canada Helps fundraising page. You can also download a pledge form here. 2025 CORS Pledge Sheet
Carl Oake Rotary Swim
Since 1987 the wider community has joined Carl Oake to make the Rotary Club of Canada’s swim a success for the people of Peterborough. With your help, we have supported a special Easter Seals Ambassador every year for over 30 years. Every new year a new Ambassador needs us to rally behind them and their family.
The Carl Oake Rotary Swim is our chance to fulfill that promise.